Soft Sole Shearling slippers: Give Your Feet a Shearling Hug

It’s definitely time to upgrade your wardrobe before the cold comes knocking at your doors. You prepare to shop for winters and get the coziest possible slippers to sail through the season with absolute comfort. If you haven’t been introduced to the warmth and charm of shearling slippers, your feet is probably deprived of optimum love and care for all these years. Yes, we are here to give you a virtual tour in these slippers so, you don’t waste any more time in grabbing these and make them your personal favorite. Whether you plan to relax, or dish out meals and spend time with your family, there is nothing quite like the feeling of resting your feet against shearling.

What is shearling, you ask?

Shearling slippers

Well, don’t settle for anything less than genuine shearling slippers to enjoy the goodness to the fullest. Real shearling is the processed, tanned, and dyed sheepskin with the wool still attached. Any process or quality different than this can’t be called shearling, and does not have the same features as genuine shearling. Now, that you are aware about your feet missing out some real love, it is time we offer your enough reasons to fetch the cosiness as soon as possible.

#1. Wear them all year-round: With thermostatic properties, soft sole shearling slippers keep your feet at the right temperature, no matter the season. These slippers keep your feet cool in the summer and wonderfully warm and insulated during the cold days, being naturally breathable.

#2. Hypoallergenic and anti-bacterial: Always happy feet! Keep away from stinky feet with fibers containing landin which is anti-bacterial for your tootsies to feel fresh. Shearling repels dust mites and mildew that makes it an enticing choice for allergy sufferers.

#3. No more sweat either: With all those slippers lined with synthetic materials causing feet to sweat, your feet will be thankful for being moisture-free. They will be dry, comfortable, and friction-free with every step. So, no more blisters.

#4. Very durable: With the investment you put in, comes commitment. Soft sole  slippers are in it for the long haul. The wool fibres are bendable 20,000 times without ripping. So, expect your new pair to last and last.

#5. Cosy on your feet: It feels luxurious to slip into one of these pairs. And, Who would say no to that after a hard day’s work? The shoes are springy too – so prepare yourself to walk on clouds.

Go, get them already!

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